Welcome to FluidMind!
The mental health personality test and symptom tracker.
Through a series of simple daily questions, this app will help you keep track of a range of symptoms by putting a number to how youre feeling. The app will measure: anxiety, mood, dissociation, and substance use. You can use this app for your own general information, or show it to your doctors for quick and easy evaluation. We hope that both you and your doctors will find this information helpful for your continuing mental health journey.
We do not collect your mental health data or store any of that data on external servers. All of your scores and alike are encrypted and stored locally on your device. We do collect data on behalf of Google AdMob, such as device ID and crash reports, strictly for advertising purposes - this does not include your mental health data.
For any questions, comments, or technical issues, please email: [email protected]. The app is in its infancy, so any feedback you could provide would be greatly appreciated. If you like the app, please give us a 5-star review.
Please note: This app is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical professional. It is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions. It is also not intended to be used in a medical emergency.